Love Addiction

A comprehensive online program that helps women:

• Recognize the symptoms

• Address the behavior

• Begin your recovery

What is Understanding Love Addiction (ULA)?

ULA is a comprehensive online program designed to help women like you recognize the five core issues caused by developmental trauma and understand how they contribute to the symptoms of love addiction.

Once you understand these symptoms and how they’ve shaped your life, you’ll be able to operate with more compassion, experience less shame, and live wholeheartedly as your Authentic Self (aka the person you were born to be).

In ULA, you will:

✔︎ receive guidance, support, & connection through eight weekly group coaching calls

✔︎ have the opportunity to work with Jodi individually

✔︎ learn new content each week through video lectures (with notes) & homework assignments

✔︎ get 12 weeks of access to an interactive group community on Mighty Networks to receive feedback & coaching from Jodi between live calls

✔︎ receive valuable group support & establish meaningful connection within a network of women who get it

✔︎ begin to build your own foundation for a self-compassionate recovery & healing process

✔︎ begin your healing process and living the life you deserve

What will I learn?

Through eight modules, we’ll cover

✔︎ attachment and the role that attachment trauma plays in love addiction & avoidance

✔︎ the concept of love & avoidance addiction (including the symptoms and cycles)

✔︎ the symptoms of developmental immaturity due to childhood trauma (aka “codependency’’) & the role it plays in love & avoidance addiction

✔︎ childhood trauma & how it affects brain development

✔︎ assigned family roles & how they influence adult relationships

✔︎ how to identify and work with your Inner Wounded Child & Functional Adult ego states

✔︎ practical tools for developing a practice of self-compassion

✔︎ the four types of boundaries & how they work

✔︎ useful techniques for managing anxiety

How does ULA work?

Weekly Modules

Modules are released weekly and include video lectures, homework assignments and other helpful information to support you during our time together.

Live Group Calls

Connect with your ULA cohorts via Zoom for weekly group coaching calls with Jodi, where she’ll answer your questions and share resources. Calls will be recorded.

Private Community

ULA is hosted on Mighty Networks, where you’ll have access to Jodi’s online community, including additional resources & coaching calls (even after ULA wraps up).

What are ULA alumni saying?

“Jodi’s ULA program was transformative. The program provided me with the missing link in my recovery journey.”

“To describe ULA in one word? Life-changing. I learned I'm not alone & there are concrete, tangible ways to move towards a more functional & happy life!”

“The video lectures & homework were so comprehensive & useful. I liked how they built on one another week after week.”

Weekly Modules

1: All About Attachment

2: The Role of Developmental Trauma

3: Love Avoidance & Addiction

4: The Role of Codependence

5: The Self

6: All About Boundaries

7: Reality, Dependency & Moderation

8: Focus on Recovery

Is ULA right for me?

ULA is for you if…

✔︎ you have a pattern of putting others on a pedestal and assigning too much time & energy to partners.

✔︎ you continually undervalue yourself in relationships and often struggle with self-esteem.

✔︎ you find yourself feeling anxious and/or avoidant in close relationships.

✔︎ you’re tired of repeating the same behavior and ready to make some lasting changes.

ULA isn’t a fit for you if…

you’re unable to attend the majority of live calls.

you expect this program to replace therapy.

the investment will cause you any financial hardship.

you are unable to hold nonjudgmental space for others.

you believe your childhood was perfect and are unwilling to consider that your lived experiences may have contributed to today’s struggles.

The History of ULA

“When I finally learned about love addiction, my entire world changed for the better.” ~ Jodi White

I spent most of my adult life feeling like something was wrong with me, and that it was just me who felt and behaved the way I did. I continually found myself in relationships where I undervalued and neglected myself while overvaluing my partner.

These relationships were tumultuous and always ended badly, yet no one around me seemed to share these experiences, which led to even more shame. 

When I found a therapist who taught me about love addiction, I felt empowered by this new information. I was finally able to begin the recovery process which led to valuing myself like I never could before. If I’d known the symptoms of love addiction, I could have started healing much earlier in life, but there was a shortage of information about the topic (and a shortage of therapists who understood it).

I've designed Understanding Love Addiction to help you recognize and address the five core issues caused by developmental trauma, understand how those issues contribute to the symptoms of love addiction, and provide resources to support you in your recovery. 

The program is intended to provide tools and knowledge through coaching and education, which will help you build a sturdy recovery foundation that you can continue to build upon for years to come.

I developed ULA using a combination of what worked for me in my personal recovery and what I’ve learned as a therapist and coach. This program is not therapy, but it is an opportunity to begin your healing process in a supportive environment.