Episode 42: Talking About Blocking with Leah Aguierre, LCSW

Have you ever needed to block someone? Maybe you ended a relationship and no longer wanted to see their social media activity, or maybe you found yourself needing to have a hard boundary with a former friend. In today's world, considering that most of us are accessible on multiple platforms, it's not uncommon to block another person...BUT, that doesn't mean it's always easy to do (for a number of reasons).

Blocking is an important topic, so I invited trauma therapist, Leah Aguierre--someone who talks openly about the subject on social media--to join me for a conversation. On this episode Leah and Icover why we struggle with the idea of blocking, four reasons why blocking can be helpful in certain situations, and we share personal experiences with blocking.

Show notes & resources:

You can learn more about Leah here leahaguierrelcsw.com and on Instagram @leahaguirrelcsw

Jodi's website: jodiwhiteonline.com

Disclaimer: This podcast is shared for educational and informational purposes only. It is not intended to be a substitute for mental health treatment with a licensed mental health professional or to be used in place of the advice of a physician. If you are struggling please don't delay in seeking the assistance of a licensed mental health practitioner or healthcare professional. If you're in crisis please visit NAMI.org or call 1-800-273-TALK for 24-hour assistance.


Episode 43: LYLAS


Episode 41: The Three Whys with Nicole Lewis-Keeber